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SAMRITHISAK Microfinance Limited Vacancies

SAMRITHISAK Microfinance Limited had been established under initiative concepts of Mr. Taing Ngoun and other 4 Cambodian investors in order to help institution more sufficient capital and equity in the business of providing financial facility service to customers, small business, business man, entrepreneurs, craftsman and venders. SAMRITHISAK had been established in valued purpose to facilitate poor people who have no abilities to request for financial service from commercial banks as more capital to run and expand their business. SAMRITHISAK was established on 01 June 2010, the project was created in order to help economic development, income generation, establishment and expansion of services to poor people in the city and around the city

In May 2010, SAMRITHISAK obtained a license as a MFI with the National Bank of Cambodia with the official name SAMRITHISAK Microfinance Limited.

SAMRITHISAK Microfinance Limited

Email :
Tel : (855) 23 99 3333
(855) 93 222 770 (855) 69 400699 (Mobile)
Address : #502H-G, Monivong Blvd, Tonle Bassac Commune, Chamkar Morn District, Phnom Penh
Website :
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