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Smart Media Service Vacancies

Smart Media Service (SMART) provides high quality audio and video services to a wide variety of clients from business to government to international NGOs.

We specialize in on-location shooting, Live video event and professional in audio. We use a team of experienced professionals for each project including directors, script writers, producers, videographers, photographers, editors, sound engineer and more.

We use only licensed software and brand name recording material to ensure the integrity of your project and our process.In fact integrity is at the core of our SMART service. Not only do we use equipment with integrity, we only work with people of integrity. It’s part of who we are and how we run our business.

Smart Media Service

Email :
Mobile : 012 823 848
Address : #15, Street M 01, Phnom Penh
Website :
Smart Media Service map Click on map to view bigger Google map
There is no opening jobs at the moment. Check again later.

Looking for Job in Cambodia

Full time jobs and part time jobs are added through daily.

You can search for jobs by fields (such as marketing, accounting, computer programming, computer design and many other fields) or by cities or provinces (such as Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Sihanoukville, Battambang, and all other cities/provinces in Cambodia).

@Job seekers : Job opportunity comes and goes, if you don't want to slip it, stay tuned to get Job update
