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JMT (Cambodia) Co.,Ltd. Vacancies

JMT Network Services Company Public Limited, an affiliated company of JAY MART Public Company Limited, was incorporated on March 8, 1994, with current register capital at 300 million Baht. 

  • The first company in Thailand providing debt collection service with its nationwide network.
  • The first company in debt collection industry is listed in Stock Exchange of Thailand since Year 2012. 

JMT (Cambodia) Co., Ltd, an affiliated company of JMT Network Services Company Public Limited Thailand ,it has one hundred percent shareholder from parent company was operated business in debt collection services with financial institutions, providing debt collection services by credit card debt monitoring services, personal loans, car and motorcycle hire purchase loans, housing loans, cash loans and so on to help increase the efficiency of the collection of outstanding debts of financial institutions by operating with our more than 20 years experiences in debt collection.

JMT (Cambodia) Co.,Ltd.

JMT (Cambodia) Co.,Ltd.
Email :
Mobile : 087288307
Address : Nº. 159-161, St. 113, Boeung Keng Kang III Commune, Chamkar Morn District, Phnom Penh
Website :
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