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Register as Job Seeker


You can login using phone number if enter a phone number.


Password is between 6 to 12 characters.


Confirm password must match Password

If you click "Register", this means you would like to create an account with Khmer Online Jobs and agree to comply with our terms and condition.

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Why do you need to register an account?

  • Create and download your CV in cool format.
  • Search job and Apply with a few clicks.
  • Receive jobs which match your qualification right in your email box.
  • Get invitation from recruiter or admin for new opportunity.

Looking for Job in Cambodia

Full time jobs and part time jobs are added through daily.

You can search for jobs by fields (such as marketing, accounting, computer programming, computer design and many other fields) or by cities or provinces (such as Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Sihanoukville, Battambang, and all other cities/provinces in Cambodia).

@Job seekers : Job opportunity comes and goes, if you don't want to slip it, stay tuned to get Job update
